The Enemies of Faith

How do we deal with the enemies of faith? These are people that hate our righteousness and the faith that precedes and succeeds it, because it surpasses their expectation of us, make them debilitating, unwise and unbelieving. They care less about our devotion to God. It is their unwillingness to interpret the works and the word from God’s viewpoint that makes them enemies of faith. They cover it up with arrogance. Therefore, they seek signs, question the fruit of faith and deny God and His works. The Pharisees hated Jesus wittingly simply because they were unwilling to believe for personal reasons. They knew all along that He was the Christ. But because of their mindset they just hoped to somehow prove Him wrong and with that pretense did not control their inner self toward Him. They mistreated Him beginning with words and then with actions.

In all our mistreatment or facing the enemies we need not take matters or vengeance into our hands even as Jesus. We should hope in God the Father who makes all things right. He is ever watching. “Thus says the LORD: ‘Behold, I am going to arouse against Babylon and against the inhabitants of Leb-kamai the spirit of a destroyer’” (Jer. 51:1). These enemies simply thought there were none stronger than them. Their arrogance veiled their minds to consider the Almighty God. We face such people these days. They have power, wealth and fame.

Some believers are quick to judge, take matters into their hands. This only debilitates them, for they become unstable on the inside. Then they cannot yield good witness for Christ. However, by leaving matters into God’s hands we get stronger in spirit, soul and then in the body. But we can do this only by having a solid aim, trust and patience. Let’s take a few pointers for unmatched success.

  • Overcoming enemies of faith first requires obedience to God.
  •  It is very difficult to control ourselves when reviled. However, the state of being in obedience gives great self-control.
  • To be obedient is our aim and it builds trust in God, which gives patience to leave all retribution to Him.
  • We should know that God does not leave a single table unturned.
  • If we fear God concerning all wickedness because they incur His anger, then we should know He never keeps justice due to us distant from us.
  • We must wait for His timing. He will bring about events to satisfy us.
  • A gratifying thing is that God cannot watch His people suffer for too long.
  • Though we have enemies our focus should be on the many outcomes of faith and the expectation of rejoicing in them. This way we fulfill God’s wish in not fulfilling the nature of the flesh.
  • Considering the likes of Nehemiah, Ezra, Esther and Mordecai fortifies our belief that God will send someone or do something to rescue us.
  • God will destroy the works of our enemies and in some cases even remove them from before us. We will never have to worry about them.
Posted in Notes.