Working toward God’s Kingdom

It always benefits to listen to Jesus. It is in fact scintillatingly beneficial. Don’t you agree?! Jesus is the living God. The expression ‘living God’ implies He is not deaf, mute or blind. He is constantly in action, i.e. working toward God’s kingdom. In times when we are caught up at the crossroads it is He who directs us in the right way. In times of ignorance He enlightens us. When we have completely become obedient to Him, i.e. to the point of surrendering all our thoughts and actions to Him, He then begins to direct us regarding the actions we must take. Obviously, at this juncture we have complete belief in Him having known that belief in Him does not act on its own accord; it always looks for His guidance and warns not to trust in oneself and not to let the mind have its way.

The best part of listening to Him is He directs us to His works. These are the works that add to or enlarge our ministry to Him. Many are either directionless or wayward. They themselves seek to accomplish for Him. This has a great flaw. It neither reveals nor fulfills the Lord’s desire; it then leads to pretense. The disciples never took this route, though they tried it while learning under Him, but He (God) did not let them (ex. Matt. 17:3-5). Jesus always told them what they are supposed to do so that His work is done. Like when He spoke of setting up a place for the Passover. “And they left and found everything just as He had told them; and they prepared the Passover” (Luke 22:13). It always works, brings success and by amazement builds confidence in us when we listen to Him. It is for this reason we are given the Holy Spirit and the Word so that we never miss Him. Many ignore the central message of this verse, i.e. He causes an opening for us so that His will is fulfilled and we minister to Him. When it is ignored people cannot have individualistic and sacrificial faith.

As a precursory it is worth seeing some aspects that help us listen to Jesus and become doers than just doers by nature.

  1. To consent that He knows the future and that He has already seen the aftermath of whatever action we choose to do.
  2. Submit to the knowledge that which happens next is under His authority.
  3. Be eager to listen from Him rather than doing all things ourselves.
  4. Be in the practice of seeking His will and pursuing it.
  5. Be with the realization that every good thing that comes to mind is not profitable, for its longevity, stability and success is known only to the Lord.
  6. Keep our heart and mind open to see what the Lord has in store for us, i.e. be surrendered to Him.
  7. In pursuing His will and trying to know His desire we must be observing the Word and the fellowship of the Spirit.
  8. Obtain the way of fellowshipping with the Spirit, i.e. maintaining purity through praying and cleansing by the Word.
Posted in 2017, Notes.