It is surely spoken of in this world when a person performs sensational things. Whether it is in sports, medicine, astronomy or engineering he who has done that which was never done before will be spoken of in great array. Every country has lost its freedom at one time or another and regained it, because of some sensational deeds performed by people. For this reason, when the time comes for the celebration of independence most of us, if not all, remember the heroic deeds done by those who fought for freedom. We remember them as those who gave their lives for the freedom of our country. Anywhere we go and to whomever we talk to we make known their deeds to those around us. We would be the most denounced, if we forget those who gave us the freedom to live our life in peace. Such is the mindset of people when it comes to praising the efforts of those who came before them.
Nonetheless, many that claim to be children of God do not carry such mindset in truly praising God with their heart. Thus, they liquefy His marvelous works insomuch as making them void. Where is the passion to praise God that men have when it comes to remembering people? Every time a national anthem is sung their inner feelings are revolutionized, and it is good; but does it happen when they sing praises to God? They ought to realize what God has given them is greater than the national anthem and the people that fought for the nation or those who have done sensational things with their knowledge. He has given the freedom of their spirit along with the flesh. Freedom of flesh lasts as long as we live in the flesh; freedom of spirit lasts into eternity! Remember the One who has given us this land and its riches, gave us a family and has set us at the highest place that we may lack nothing. Therefore, should not a child of God say, “Oh give thanks to the LORD, call upon His name; make known His deeds among the peoples” (Ps. 105:1)?
Who among us are practicing such wisdom? How else can one give thanks to the Lord for His wondrous deeds, but by calling on His name? Does our knowledge of His deeds provoke us to make Him known among the godless people? One can almost say the answer is “no.” The reason – most of us do not even remember to pray or call on His name. We are more worried about how to gain, how to be glorified and how to be established. Then ought not we to be the most denounced? Yes, we will be denounced, not by people, but by the Lord Himself. The passion to call upon the Lord comes by doing the righteousness of God. “Who has aroused one from the east whom He calls in righteousness to His feet? He delivers up nations before him and subdues kings. He makes them like dust with his sword, as the wind-driven chaff with his bow” (Isaiah 41:2).
One who keeps and performs the righteousness of God is the elect of God. Such person is given the authority by the Lord himself to perform the deeds according to His will. For this reason, everything that comes across a righteous man that is according to unrighteousness will be annihilated. O what a pitiful situation for those who are wind-driven chaff! Imagine what it would take for someone to become wind-driven chaff; it would take the testing of the Lord through unceasing sin. Therefore, we should be careful in examining ourselves while we proclaim the Lord. Such attitude will surely keep us on God’s side and even if sufferings come across us, we will stand and “…at that time your people, everyone who is found written in the book, will be rescued” (Dan. 12:1).
Is this not all who claim to be Christians wish? To be found in the book is not a simple credit, but an exaltation that has no limit. Even animals desire to be rescued from the dangers of this nature, much more should we desire to escape from sin as those possessing the breath of the Almighty. Wisdom should speak to us every time we fail to live righteously. When the breath of God works in us His wisdom enlightens our heart to experience His deeds. Such experience will help us praise God and proclaim His deeds. However, when there is no such experience a right mind cannot be created. Therefore, “Jesus said to them, ‘Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men’” (Mark 1:17).
In order that a right mind must be created we are bound to follow Jesus. Why? It results in a learning experience that will allow us to imitate Him in all things and to receive from Him that which is necessary for us. When we journey with such commitment, He makes us fishers of men. This means people who because of the deeds done by God catch men for salvation. Every person who desires to seek eternity ought to begin with Jesus Christ, because “All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being” (John 1:3). To know Christ and to be known by Him is a miracle which is made possible by God alone. It is easier to say I am a Christian or I know Jesus than it is to say we are known by Him. To say that we are known by Him is only possible when God bears witness with our inner man.
To understand that all things are through Christ is the beginning to know Him. This knowledge helps us to open the doors of our hearts for the purpose of God to work in us. What God desires to accomplish in us is not for us to predict, but believe He is able to accomplish His will while we are true to Him. This is the beginning of our love toward God “For it is written, ‘As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to Me, and every tongue shall give praise to God’” (Rom. 14:11). For now we understand what it takes to praise God. All those knees that submit to Him and acknowledge that they are lesser than Him in might or wisdom shall surely give praise to Him. To surrender to Christ implies we live in the boundaries set by God and not of our will. Hence, when we call on the name of the Lord, we receive that we may also proclaim.
Dear brethren, do not assume that you are in a state of rest, because no true Christian is at rest as long as evil prowls around us. The moment we relax from carrying on our love toward God it will be the time of our downfall. God has chosen us that we might be a glory to Him among those who reject Him. If then we who ought to bring glory to God are carrying on the nature of the gentiles and of the anti-Christ, will not God have a way to separate us from His household? If repentance is necessary to put on the mind of Christ, should we live in a state of rest? For this reason, the Spirit warns us saying, “While they are saying, “Peace and safety!” then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape” (1 Thess. 5:3). Make a wise discernment for the time has been shortened!