A least performed act by believers is praising God. It is not about the praise on Sundays. And those who do it just on that day are mechanical believers; they are nonchalant for true praise and do not pocket the understanding and strength it brings. Praising God in Sunday worship is good and necessary. But it really means
Category Archives: RECENT ARTICLES
The Power in the Name
The name Jesus Christ is not just any name as many see it. It is the Name in which the power of the God of heaven and earth lives. By it all things are possible. Many make it their custom to regard it as an obstruction and insult to their life. Nevertheless, the Name itself is able to change lives, times and circumstances.
Jesus Has Called You
We are vessels made for God’s glory. Once we are bought by Him we begin to live and work under the Master and Lord of all things. Our life itself revolves around Him. God is in everything related to our life. The more desirous we are for Him, the more and more He partners with us and participates in our life journey.
The Greatest in God’s Kingdom
Ask any believer if he or she wants to be highly appreciated and blessed by God and the answer will be no less than an emphatic yes. They want overflowing blessings and they will tell you the areas in need. They want Him to value them right away; they will tell of all things they did, been doing and will do in His name.
I Want You to Realize
The wisdom of God is really unfathomable. It is certainly directed in love. Sometimes we wonder why He does the things He does or act the way He does. We don’t have all the answers, of course, but we still feel at certain moments that it would be nice to know it all. If God is to save those who would eventually believe
Follow the Lord
Obedience to God is by a certain reason. If that reason is not with us, no matter what we do or aim to do, it is not obeying Him. Many times we see people take decisions to follow the Lord, to seek and glorify Him with all their heart, and yet, end up not doing them. They made decisions toward full obedience, and they
Being Spiritual
Being spiritual on a daily basis makes us useful to God’s kingdom. There is no doubt we absolutely benefit personally from it and it is a precursor to becoming a tool for the Kingdom. The benefit is having every spiritual blessing from God along with the less significant ones. It is true God calls believers for works.
He Is Faithful
When the Lord has spoken His Word to us concerning a matter, we need not worry. This is the underlying truth about our God’s faithfulness. It is one thing to say from rote that He is faithful, yet another to have the firsthand experience of it. In the latter is present everything related to our confidence in Him. At
Our Inner Man
As Christians in the flesh we are often confronted with the idea of serving God. It is because the flesh and its strength constantly points us to a different direction that seemingly suits our comfort and our spirit that has been renewed in Christ and desiring glory from God knows the direction to take. It is truly a
God Will Exercise His Power
We, the Christians, are called for declaring the name of the God of heaven and earth among our brethren. This is imitating Christ. In the present conditions it is of utmost necessity. Many have begun calling themselves Christians, although they do not have the crucial and the full knowledge of God. We are called to display