God’s Descendants

How may we liken the calling of God to Christians? It is like this: “But let no one enter the house of the LORD except the priests and the ministering Levites; they may enter, for they are holy. And let all the people keep the charge of the LORD” (2 Chron. 23:6). We know the Lord God calls believers to His service. Read More

The Holy Spirit

There are certain things about God that we should know to understand His Word and particularly His promises. Firstly, we should full well know that He is a God who knows man’s heart thoroughly. We should know He does not show partiality, none whatsoever. We should know He desires His promises bear fruit in His children Read More

“Whatever He Says To You, Do It”

As children of God our life should always revolve around Jesus. There should be no second thoughts about it. Yet, what makes it happen? One thing that must obviously come to our mind is obeying Him at all costs. This will have great rewards. For this we should first measure our obedience toward Him; measure it in a manner Read More

A Damaging Trait

Impatience is a damaging trait. Impatient people often make mistakes. Their thought process is ruined or disturbed by some unwarranted fear or reasoning. At times they commit mistakes that have lengthy repercussions. Impatience makes its holders weak, damaging and preposterous. Impatience toward people and God causes Read More

Proving Ourselves Wiser

One of the affects of having heavenly wisdom is being able to sniff the approaches of Satan. Receiving salvation is the beginning of saving wisdom. The grace we receive at that time comes with profiting wisdom. Whoever builds on it goes on to gain access to the Lord’s understanding of how the devil works to derail a Read More

Pressing In Faith

Blockades appear in life when we walk by faith. It may even appear at those times that our obedience to God has discrepancies. But, the Lord will eventually give us relief by our sincere trust in Him. Blockades appear from many directions. Because we tune ourselves to the will and fear of God, we naturally become the Read More

Saving Ourselves

There’s a way for us to become wiser than we are. We often incline to use our mental power at hand to deal with the things we face. However, there are things in this world that surely need more than just common sense and worldly wisdom to be dealt with. Lack of such substance in men and the subsequent actions create Read More

Basic Principles of Christ

The early days of Christianity has seen a decline in faith and obedience that leads to godliness. Within a few years of gospel proclamation many that believed in the Lord began to inculcate themselves with the ways of the world. They took the joy and strength of the Spirit for granted and brought Satan’s interference Read More

God Plans for You

Have you wondered if God can make extensive plans for you? People often feel the weight of life and strongly wish things were different. God is actually the One that can finish our work and keep us satisfied if we allow Him to make plans for us. It begins with believing Him and then submitting to Him. When you let Him Read More

A Solemn Charge

If you have been saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, your time on earth has become much more precious. Your salvation is not the end of your duty, but the beginning of a responsibility toward God. Every believer is a servant of the Lord in his or her own capacity. The Lord gives to each a talent and each one is to thrive Read More