Have you ever wondered why God’s specifically chosen people throughout the history lived a unique lifestyle for a time period? They were different to the rest in their time. Could it be the only way for them to live while others lived differently and better? Why is it that God deliberately calls some for a unique lifestyle? Some of us may already be privy to it. They do not have everything and yet, God has not left them to beg. They lead a lowly life and yet with the awareness He has not forsaken them. Often their life seems useless and unproductive to others, but they are being prepared. Though despair regularly seeks them, they continue in faith for that which God called. Do you know that if this is your current situation or you know someone in it, that God has desired it for a fantastic and great outcome? God has not called you merely for yourselves!
God periodically calls some of His elect for a unique lifestyle. Its nature varies from one to another by His purpose to them. They demonstrate quite a faith and obedience making for a unique lifestyle that purports God’s work in them. It can be so unique to the generation that he or she is left with few accomplices to none in that period. Yet, God calls them for it. If you have experienced it, you know it. It is for the sake of His kingdom. God has meant something great and incredible to accomplish through them. If you are one such person, your calling is incredible. Or else, you can appreciate them for the choices they make; it brings God’s blessings upon you. But first, if He calls you for a unique, even an unusual lifestyle it is that all should realize He has specifically chosen you. His ultimate plan is to save men, if possible all of them. So, He needs to prepare someone for utter dedication. You could be a parent and yet, your lifestyle that displays lowly state by the guidance of God is for producing something fantastic for Him for the coming days. You may be naïve person, well educated, poor or rich and still, your unusual lifestyle designed by Him is to make you into a person that leads masses to Him. Consider the following. “Now John himself had a garment of camel’s hair and a leather belt around his waist; and his food was locusts and wild honey” (Matt. 3:4).
Have you ever thought why John lived such unusual lifestyle? We hardly explore it and simply see him as a forerunner to Christ. But to carry on the tag of Christ’s forerunner, he had to be prepared. It was God’s idea of lifestyle for him so he does not lack dedication. He too was willing for it. There was none in his days that lived or desired to live like him. He spent a major part of his life in wilderness (solitude) apart from society. His clothing and eating habits were different to that of his generation. John had to endure much, more than we can imagine. When the time came and God sent him to proclaim His will, people flocked to him heeding every word he spoke. They knew him to be different and exceptional. Similarly, God too will call some of us or have already called and is in the process of making us His complete vessel. Some of us may have even come to the end of it and will now begin to perform His call. Or, you may have been just called for a unique lifestyle. It will certainly appear harsh for the things you must face and sacrifice. Your journey will be rough. You will be tested and may be sifted. Yet, He called you knowing your will for Him is stronger than anything you face. He has formed faith and put His zeal in you for it so you appear unique, foolish and apart. By the time He is done with you, i.e. when the time period ends, you will find all things turned around for you to fulfill your purpose.
Once you enter solitude or the unusual lifestyle God becomes your intimate friend. You will not lack for your body and soul, but the one thing you must endure is a lifestyle that almost none appreciate. You will be to them as one who knows nothing; their wisdom and thinking as brighter and powerful than yours. But as your time to be revealed comes people will wonder as to what you might bring and the plans God achieves by you. All things fall in place one after the other. This because you surrendered your will to God’s intention at the time He desired it. The apostle Matthew did it. “And he left everything behind, and got up and began to follow Him” (Luke 5:28). The moment Jesus called him he knew and followed Him. He left a lifestyle that guaranteed him and his family a certain life and adopted a lifestyle that appeared meaningless to that generation. Be not mistaken, the power is in the calling. But, God calls you knowing your ability and desire to obey Him. He’s called you under a unique circumstance for a great outcome. That outcome in the case of Matthew is as a minimum the gospel God gave him concerning Jesus Christ, His Son and our Savior.
Believe me nothing will hinder you from fulfilling all that God desires to achieve through you. If not, believe in the Word that proves it. You will not be destitute for heeding His call for an unusual lifestyle. Once you take it you are bound for great things. If you are in His will for it, He will come to you. Just be alert. You will appreciate it. The end of it is thrilling, because of the many elements you’ve tasted. God would weave everything from your lifestyle to the work you are to do for Him. As a weaver’s wheel produces fine cloth He will produce from you a fine effect regarding Him. And I want you to know what it might be like.
- When the apostles began preaching the gospel the following took place. “Being greatly disturbed because they were teaching the people and proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection from the dead” (Acts 4:2). You will surely cause commotion, but for the sake of good. In your unique lifestyle God teaches you and helps you perceive the beautiful life that overcomes death. Because its visualization is so beautiful you proclaim it and many will trust Jesus Christ.
- You will have all the wisdom necessary to help people set their mind on God alone. You will show them how to do it with pragmatism. When God chose Paul, He determined in Himself to show him how much he must suffer for His sake. And Paul later said this: “because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so,” (Rom. 8:7). What happened was transformation in Paul. He knew exactly how and when the mind sets itself on the flesh . He learned to hate sin. Therefore, he was able to guide men to set their mind on the Spirit as he himself was sufficed in the Spirit.
- You will have the ability to function in love. It is the finest aspect gained by living the unique lifestyle. Observe Paul’s dialogue. “For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this, that one died for all, therefore all died” (2 Cor. 5:14). You proclaim, demonstrate and purport God only in love. You come to this end, the essence of the gospel built on the death of Christ. Each time you take a step it is for the reason that Christ’s love controlled you or navigated you for it. In doing so you make the right decisions whatever they are.
- You actually view believers as Christ does. You feel for them, desire them and wish to fill them so that they become stronger for Him. You treat them as your own. And we see it in Paul who said, “As we night and day keep praying most earnestly that we may see your face, and may complete what is lacking in your faith” (1 Thess. 3:10). With the unusual lifestyle you lived God will lead you to fill up the gaps in the faith of others.
- You will have one of the greatest satisfactions. You are free from concern. And what might that be? “But they will give account to Him who is ready to judge the living and the dead” (1 Pet. 4:5). There will be many proclaiming and teaching Christ having never been privy to a unique lifestyle and many that have ridiculed your lifestyle. Their voices will not affect you; neither do their works. You know all well that God has put you among them so that many are rescued from their claws. You have the inner strength to leave them to God’s judgment as you focus on His purpose to you.