God’s Wondrous Works

God wondrously works on behalf of His people. If there is or was any doubt regarding this the pages from the Holy Bible speak on the contrary. “Now in the twelfth month (that is, the month Adar), on the thirteenth day when the king’s command and edict were about to be executed, on the day when the enemies of the Jews hoped to gain the mastery over them, it was turned to the contrary so that the Jews themselves gained the mastery over those who hated them” (Esth. 9:1). The faithful always find an escape from danger, i.e. from Satan and the enemies. How can they find an escape unless God provides it for them? God’s provisions cannot be contained by any man, angel or Satan. They are innumerable and come in ways unthinkable. For this reason, those who truly believe in God testify that He works wonders. To the many, belief has become only a medium to perform or speak according to their carnal minds, but to those that believe in God it has become a constant work to gain access to His works and providence. A same goodness is many times received by both an unbeliever and a believer, but the effect and the long lasting nature of that goodness will testify to the way one sought to beget it and the manner in which it comes. Further, the fear or anxiety that was present before receiving the goodness by the believer will never again be felt after receiving it; but only joy and praise to God.

The victory won will become an imprint on our hearts to further trust in and keenly rely on God. In the days of Esther, when death was at the door step of the Jews and it was certain that their days were over, God wondrously turned it around. Yet, because of those who trusted and relied on God. At the time when shame and dishonor were also equally troubling them God miraculously provided them with joy. When the time the unbelievers had gained precedence over those who believed in the true God appeared, and pride for the children of God was lost, God amazingly lifted their heads up and made them more powerful than their enemies. Does the God who worked thoroughly in those who believed in Him through the Law do works for us who believe in Him through His Son, the One greater and better than the Law? May it always be! Who is a fool except the one who does not understand the love of God toward His Son? Who is unwise but the one who does not know that God causes events in the lives of His believers for victory? When Christ, the Son, is believed then mastery over our enemies and the enemies of the gospel is achieved through love, faith, hope and the works of God. But love in the present day church has no essence of Christ, yet faith is being incredibly spoken of; hope is being understood as one that is seen and the opportunity for the works of God is being nullified. O, What a shame, what a pity! The church has become the place of the nether world; the members have become the living dead. “Buy truth, and do not sell it, Get wisdom and instruction and understanding” (Prov. 23:23).

Is the church capable of buying the truth? Perhaps, the church would now seek a market place to buy truth, but that would be utterly embarrassing. Is not truth bought when one pays “belief” to God from the heart? That which is bought from the heart will only enter the heart not to be sold. Yet, if it is bought from the wisdom of the flesh, it is for flesh and does not remain a perpetual truth, and will be sold. Is this not many, if not all, do today? They are selling it for perishable things. The truth that enters the heart gives wisdom, instruction and understanding. Christ is the Truth. Christ in our hearts helps us to understand our need to seek the better things. Christ in our hearts instructs us to keep away from sin and perform righteousness. Finally, Christ in our hearts gives wisdom that we would become the light of the world. Preachers, pastors and believers know that Jesus Christ is the truth besides being the way and life, yet they are unable to cast this understanding of Him on the world. If the Jews won the victory in the days of Esther and through their dread many gentiles became Jews, how much more should our victory by faith in Jesus produce sons for God? Is buying truth so difficult?

“Judah mourns and her gates languish; they sit on the ground in mourning, and the cry of Jerusalem has ascended” (Jer. 14:2). Yes, buying truth has become very difficult for the church (no matter what they name themselves after). I am not speaking of a market place, but buying it from the heart. I have seen and seen and seen the nature of its leaders, pastors and members in more than one place and nation. There are no better words to describe the present condition of the church than the words of Jeremiah. Though the kingdom of God is at hand, they are unable to see it. Their works are the reason for their mourning; their thoughts a reason for languish in their homes. Their lifelessness due to lack of belief in Christ is already noticed by God.

On and on they read the word. Time and again, they like to preach the word. Often they are interested in spending huge sums of money in the name of the gospel; collect money in the name of Christ. Build and rebuild their church buildings; expand their halls of fellowship; create new ventures and offices in and for the church. Hold gospel meetings and lectures; invite people from all parts of the nation and the world. They show to others the way they conduct these. A call for discipline and display is made. Schools and colleges for biblical training containing teachers with the highest available/possible degrees are established. They are able to bring in and spend huge amount of money in the name of Christian training. More and more youngsters are pressed into attaining the intellectual biblical status. Yet, without knowing what Christ desires from them and what He has been doing since the time of His commencement as the Son of Man “for they had not gained any insight from the incident of the loaves, but their heart was hardened” (Mark 6:52).

The hearts of the church are hardened because they did not first lay Christ. How can they unless they know how to? While there is only one Christ to be laid and stand on they have found many other ways to stand on making these their foundation and glorifying God according to their measure. Rather than seeking to lay Christ, the one which is laid, and then receive a measure, they made for themselves a measure to lay Christ. This shall not pass nor shall it be acceptable to God! Do you think you as such measure can bring glory to God? But the glory of God is Christ and through Him God gives a measure to any who seeks it. This will bring glory to God because of the kind of foundation laid. This measure will allow each one to do according to what God has given him. A same measure may not be in all, but many measures in the body making it perfect for Christ. Now, man’s reasoning will not take prominence, but reverence. “For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ” (1 Cor. 3:11).

Do not be amazed, but believe in the order that God has set for the church to understand His Son. Christ is to be laid first and then the measure that comes from God. Both Christ and the measure are not our own property (i.e. they did not come forth from us), they belong to God and God mercifully and graciously offered them to us that we might wondrously escape death. What is the church without first having Christ as its foundation? Yet, the church today is immature toward Him. Power, money and age became the foundation and are annulling the need for maturity. Even those with age, which brings pride to this world, speak foolishly concerning the mystery of Christ. For this reason, it is the wisdom of Christ that defines a person and church and not the age; and, if those with age are with Christ’s wisdom it is all the more profitable. “Therefore, just as the Holy Spirit says, “TODAY IF YOU HEAR HIS VOICE, DO NOT HARDEN YOUR HEARTS AS WHEN THEY PROVOKED ME, AS IN THE DAY OF TRIAL IN THE WILDERNESS” (Heb. 3:7-8).

Do you still seek to provoke God? Then, it is to your detriment. No man can lead another to Christ, but Christ working through His servants. The word preached or explained in the Spirit is for your advantage that your heart should be cleansed, revived and prepared for maturity to behold the day of the Son of Man. What all you have procured as individuals or as church is enough! Now, procure Christ. Then, unbelief and unrighteousness shall be removed. God in His true form shall be revealed to this world through you. Forsake the things that ought to be forsaken and God will provide afresh to you all that you need, even those that you desire, but now in righteousness. “While they were telling these things, He Himself stood in their midst and said to them, ‘Peace be to you’” (Luke 24:36).

Posted in 2010, Archives.