Love had and has a different connotation in this world. The manner in which it is sought by people is far from the cry of true love. It has been liquefied and modified for personal reasons, favoritisms and selfish desires. Nevertheless, the God of heaven and earth has a unique understanding for love and also gave it a unique implication. The love of God has nothing in common with the love of this world or with the nuances that people give to it. His love is as pure as He is. His love has no borders by which one must be restricted. His love characterizes the true reason for the creation of mankind and for saving the same. For this reason, the love of God is understood by His believers as that which is eternal and not begotten of the flesh.
Love of the flesh varies continuously just like the direction of the wind. It is not long lasting since it is invariably dishonest. Thus, there exists more strife, envy and hatred among people. This is undoubtedly giving Satan more power to carry on his desire. Love of God teaches us exactly as to how love ought to be practiced; practiced toward our neighbors, relatives, friends, and foremost, the church and family. Only now love has any real reason to be believed to produce effective results. But, the love which is born of God is to be born among his people. For this reason, the Holy Spirit says “Let love of the brethren continue” (Heb. 13:1).
If there a place where God’s children are called brethren, it is the church. This is a distinct group as it is begotten of God by the blood of Christ. Whatever background each man or woman belongs to they have become one through the blood of one savior, Jesus Christ. No ritual or custom makes brothers, but the blood of Christ that gives forgiveness of sins through baptism for all those who repent. Those with repentance know the value of brotherly love and the urgent need to continue it. This love of God is received from Christ, practiced in the church and given freely to the world. This is how God teaches us as to how love ought to be practiced and for the world to know and receive the face of true love. “But He said to them, ‘You give them something to eat.’ And they said, ‘We have no more than five loaves and two fish, unless perhaps we go and buy food for all these people’” (Luke 9:13).
Most Christians understand the above passage. They readily know the miracle that Christ performed later. Now, the reason for that miracle is seen in the above verse. When Jesus asked His disciples to feed the thousands was He unaware of their feebleness? He did not intend for them to buy food either. Yet, he was wondering if they would grasp His love for those who came to hear Him speak of the kingdom of God. The nature of this world and even many Christian leaders, preachers and pastors is similar to that of the disciples. They are unable to grasp the intention in Christ’s love. Love of God cannot always be quantified with the things that are available at hand. The love that flows from God must flow through us to perform good works. Money cannot bring forth God’s love, but our love for God and His people will make things happen because of our belief in Christ. There are many Christians that run charitable works in the present days, but are their motivations born out of the love that flows from God? Each one has to question themselves since the wrath of God is ready to be kindled on those whose motivations are other wise. “Do horses run on rocks? Or does one plow them with oxen? Yet you have turned justice into poison And the fruit of righteousness into wormwood” (Amos 6:12).
If horses run on rocks they are without purpose and value. No man intends to plow on rocks with his oxen, since it would be vain and yields pain. Whether it is the horses running or plowing both ought to be performed on an amicable ground. Even so, works in the name of God’s love are to be performed on the amicable ground, i.e. Christ Jesus. If you are not built on this ground then your love for the brethren is dishonest. You will also freely give this love to the world and further add to it envious nature. Therefore, the church fails in its primary work of spreading the gospel through love. Its people fail because they run for Christ like horses on rocks. They fail because the out come of their teachings resembles a farmer plowing on rocks, unknown to the love of God. When the love of God has disappeared or was never present then justice will surely be turned to poison and the fruit of righteousness into wormwood. Did God give us poison? Yet, the church is spreading adulterated righteousness. Can one drink wormwood? But, its leaders and preachers are providing it for justice. Will such adulterers stand uprightly in His presence and at His coming?
“For why should you, my son, be exhilarated with an adulteress And embrace the bosom of a foreigner?” (Pro. 5:20). Yes, truly, many are overjoyed in selling their souls to worldly things in the name of God’s love; they have become adulterers! They have embraced the bosom of those that give them the things of this world rather than embracing the love of God. For this reason, gospel is being tainted. Surely, Solomon is speaking of being with an adulteress woman, with which act the soul too is lost. But, which adultery is more perilous, the one of the soul or the body? For even those who commit adultery in the flesh, at the knowing of God, may have the opportunity to be saved. Solomon too has restored his heart to God from those that defiled him. Yet, those Christian leaders, pastors and preachers that sell their souls in the name of God’s love are at more peril. Can they ever be bought back? May God deal with them in His wisdom! They bring dishonor to God’s Christ and danger to those who live for Him in righteousness.
Dear brethren, what I say is that one ought to build himself, his house and God’s house according to the standards he has received from the word of Christ. For if the temple built by Solomon from the things of this world was completed exactly according to the standards that God has given to his father, how much more caution should we take in building our bodies, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit? “Now these are the foundations which Solomon laid for building the house of God. The length in cubits, according to the old standard was sixty cubits, and the width twenty cubits” (2 Chr. 3:3). And this house God destroyed because it was not held and run in love for Him. Does not Christ desire to build His body according to the standards received from His Father? Can we measure the love that Christ has for His Father? Hence, He will remove those who cannot keep their bodies and houses pure for the glory of His Father. When our love for God comes from the standards or doctrines outside the word then we are no longer in Christ’s body.
“But all Israel and Judah loved David, and he went out and came in before them” (1 Sam. 18:16). The reason for such affection is because David loved God and His people according to the standard that God required of him. His love was unadulterated and the works he did in the name of God’s love reaped fruitful results. He kept God’s righteousness by faith and did justice where necessary. He was a true leader, pastor and a believer of God and was able to continue the love of the brethren. Hence, he was called a man after God’s own heart. Do you know what it means to be a man after God’s own heart? Even the gentiles do works in their communities, but by the standards of the flesh; and if our nature is similar to theirs how can we claim and continue the love of the brethren? By what David did in God’s presence he was able to go out and come in before the people. This is the glory that God gave him and the glory that God is willing to give to you if you can become a person after His own heart.
If you claim to be of God and understood His love, exhort people to love God by the word you received from Christ and they will know how to love His people. As love flows from God to you through His Son many will seek to know Him and be saved. You shall be fruitful in all your works since they have been found in God’s love. “After the reading of the Law and the Prophets the synagogue officials sent to them, saying, ‘Brethren, if you have any word of exhortation for the people, say it’” (Acts 13:15).