The need to address sin often and making its effect known to believers is utterly important. It is more important than speaking of God’s blessings. We can speak of prosperity in all areas of our life and yet, if sin and its effect are not made known, it does not bring perfect result. As a believer each of us must deeply be able to understand sin. And for this reason it must often be addressed. With sin God’s blessings halt. Sin obstructs the way to His goodness. Sin in any form is dangerous to both our physical and spiritual health as well as our pride. One who first understands sin and its ways among men has the firsthand knowledge of escaping it. When he or she uses such knowledge, blessings from the Almighty do not stall. Sin produces negative results and if it’s dealt with will save great shame. Joshua bemoaned and said, “O Lord, what can I say since Israel has turned their back before their enemies?” (Josh. 7:8).
Achan, a member of the tribe of Judah, kept for himself the banned goods. This caused the anger of the Lord to burn against Israel. And when Israel took to war against Ai, they were struck down and sent home running. Rebelling against God or disobeying Him will have negative effects. The reason – God does not fully support us. When there is sin in us, we must first deal with it. Dealing with sin is not easy. But we have to make amends so that we make room for righteousness. Or else, we face loss in whatever endeavor we attempt. Here are some of the amends to be made.
- Utilize the Scripture. We must learn from the Word of God and apply it so that we do not face utter loss. Sin is an often committed act among men, but it is those who turn away from it that prosper and are kept. One of the things we can learn from the Scripture is learn about the effect of sin. “On the ninth day of the fourth month the famine was so severe in the city that there was no food for the people of the land” (2 Kings 25:3). King Zedekiah did not obey God. The Bible is with many such examples. By getting to know them we develop a fear for the consequences of sin and seek to make amends. Such fear always compels the mind to walk away from sin. It compels to seek God’s help as well as His forgiveness. It lays down to us the picture of a future that does not cheer us. And we create an opportunity to retreat from it.
- Quickly remember God’s goodness. Sin causes distress of heart and soul. It overwhelms us so that we do not find strength and courage to come out of it. It is so, since it shows a feigned benefit, but hides the greater consequence. At such times we must remember God’s goodness. It helps realize how much He loves us. David said, “But as for me, I shall sing of Your strength; Yes, I shall joyfully sing of Your lovingkindness in the morning, For You have been my stronghold And a refuge in the day of my distress” (Ps. 59:16). Taking time as often as possible to imitate David will give us strength to overcome sin. What happens is we begin fighting a spiritual war, which frustrates Satan. The often we call to mind God’s strength and lovingkindness the greater the strength we receive. He allows us to work His works and through them enables us to deal with sin.
- Consider the future. There are many promises of God for us in the Bible. All of them are for our well-being and encouragement. Through them God promises a stable and strong life. One such promise is the following. “Your gates will be open continually; They will not be closed day or night, So that men may bring to you the wealth of the nations, With their kings led in procession” (Isa. 60:11). We can search for many other promises in the Scripture and they all point to His desire toward us. With His promises dwelling in our hearts and minds, we acquire great desire for Him than for the sin that wants to enslave us. Our desire for Him will let us deal with sin in a proper manner.
- Listen to God’s voice. When we are finding it hard to deal with sin in our life, listen to His voice. At times when our knowledge of sin fails us, God speaks so that we know where we are. He speaks and warns us so that we acquire a fear that subdues sin. In the days past He did it and will also do now to have a people for His own possession. He spoke to them the right things that revealed the nature of sin in them. “You rely on your sword, you commit abominations and each of you defiles his neighbor’s wife. Should you then possess the land?” (Ezek. 33:26). Even so, He speaks to us according to our sin. Our sin may not be as bad as theirs; nonetheless, sin of any kind obstructs His blessings to flow to us. Therefore, He speaks. Listening to Him is a significant amendment to make.
- Consider Jesus. “But Jesus Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray” (Luke 5:16). Why did Jesus do it? It was so that He would have a perfect bond with the Father. He knew the work that is to be accomplished. He had a goal, a vision and a will from God. And for them He must do many things. Yet, He prioritized life. Praying was His only way to sustain the holiness of God that was in Him. It is for this reason He remained sinless. He received great power and courage to live holy. The best thing we can do when dealing with sin is to get back to the way of Jesus. Begin entering into the presence of the Father. Each time there is a need to deal with sin slip away to a quiet place to pray, an act which sin vehemently tries to balk.
- Consider ourselves as holy. Do not think all is lost, because of sin. Satan wants us to feel as lost. Hence, he induces sin into us by various ways in varying degrees. He wants us to feel dejected. Talk to yourself by hearing your conscience that has been branded as belonging to Christ. We were irrevocably made holy by the blood of Christ. God knew of our weaknesses, inadequacies and faults before renewing us to His Son’s image. When He killed His Son on the cross, He did it so that we would never be lost after having believed in Him; He did it so that there is no sin left without forgiveness. When He has cleansed us, we are no longer unclean perpetually. “Again a voice came to him a second time, ‘What God has cleansed, no longer consider unholy’” (Acts 10:15). The thought that we were made holy helps us ditch sin.