The answer to all things pertaining to our life on earth lies in the statement “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might” (Deut. 6:5).
It is not difficult to perform it and yet, all the same it can become difficult. It depends on where our priority lies. Once we begin loving God with all our heart, soul and might everything changes; life takes a new turn and we see perfection in all things. Loving Him is not something one can do with material things. But, one can love Him from his inner room; when he or she is wishing to take a new direction in life; when performing His will; when keeping His commandments; or in simple matters like intending to going places; when spending or intending to do some work. All these effect our loving Him. By doing them from His perspective and not from our own we comply with His guidelines and hence, love Him.
If we are wasting the resources God has given us, we do not love Him the way we should. It reflects our carelessness. When we take a new direction in life without His approval, we neglected seeking His wisdom. Yes, eventually we fail and that’s the result of not loving Him. When we do not keep His law, we are bound to sin and receive its fruit. It shows we are poor toward loving Him. If we fall back on delivering His will, we grieve the Holy Spirit in us and hence, love Him half-heartedly. You see, by bringing our heart, soul and might together to love Him we control our emotions, thoughts and works in order to conform to His holiness. There is no greater determination for man than when those three come together. And when we use them to love God, God is pleased. It is the one thing we ought to do so that everything pertaining to our life is well placed and in order.
When we love God with all our heart, soul and might, sin cannot have power over us. And the power of God controls us by the love He shows toward us. God begins to control our life. Then, anything that enters our life is by His desire and there’s nothing that enters us without His knowledge. When we face matters that are mysterious in nature and are baffling, we can believe He certainly allowed them; we do not have to fear. Satan can no longer establish absolute fear in us. To know we are suffering apart from sin is one of the greatest advantages known only by loving God. Intimacy formed by loving Him gives such confidence. The simplest way to love Him is by abiding in His Word. By doing everything He leads us to and instructs us we surely love Him. Zeal to love Him is born of abiding in His Word. The fuel for it is the will and plans He grants us. Knowing that our future is laid by Him is a perfect result of loving Him. Then no matter the hurdles we face or the heartaches we feel, we know the result of loving Him cannot fail us.
As His perfect creation, God desires we love Him so that He can rejoice in nourishing and cherishing us. Failing to realize this allows Satan to keep us from everything He designed for us. God gives us back when we love Him with all our heart, soul and might.
- He establishes our life and builds His protective hedge around us. As long as we walk on this earth in the demonstration of our genuine love for Him, He’ll make the world around us remember us for what we are to Him and for what He has done for us. “Then all men will fear, and they will declare the work of God, and will consider what He has done” (Ps. 64:9). If we desire the best from Him, then there’s no better way for it than to love Him with all our heart, soul and might.
- God will arrange His best for us going into the life He has reserved for us. “But the saints of the Highest One will receive the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever, for all ages to come” (Dan. 7:18). He has led us faithfully on this earth for this reason. Imagine possessing a kingdom on earth and then, consider all the things that come with it. The kingdom God reserves for us in heaven will be unfathomably greater than anything we imagine. By loving Him we acquire the boldness to keep looking for better things going into eternity.
- Christ’s mindset toward us changes. He takes an active part in our life. He continues teaching us leading us to deeper things of God and rejoices at our belief in Him. He provides, creates, removes and adds to our life. “And He wondered at their unbelief. And He was going around the villages teaching” (Mark 6:6). It was because of their callous love that the people of His hometown did not believe in Him. Such love keeps God’s attention away from us. And Jesus does not interfere in our daily life. Loving God compels us to believe in everything He places before us. As Paul in the Spirit elsewhere said love believes all things so also our love believes everything Jesus says.
- God appoints His will to us. It is absolutely necessary that we have His will toward us. It is our lifeline to success, joy and honor in this life. But He will test us to see if our love is firm. Testing helps us to hold on to His will. In the latter days when difficult times appear it reminds us of the trust He has in us. “He said to him the third time, ‘Simon, son of John, do you love Me?’ Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, ‘Do you love Me?’ And he said to Him, ‘Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Tend My sheep’” (John 21:17). Do not be saddened when He tests you. It is to your benefit, though it gives grief for time being.
- God gives zeal to serve Him. “So, for my part, I am eager to preach the gospel to you also who are in Rome” (Rom. 1:15). It is by the zeal God put in him that Paul exceedingly proclaimed His kingdom. Without it no man can do that which God desires from him. It was God’s will that Paul must go to Rome and preach the gospel, and He equipped him. He provides us work and directions for the zeal He gives. He energizes us to serve Him. Thus, we become successful in serving Him.
- God gives victory to every matter in life. It gives away a fragrance that is unique and heavenly. Our life becomes the light of Christ. “But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place” (2 Cor. 2:14). For this reason, many issues get tied up to our life. There will even be some issues that if we had the choice we would not choose to be part of them. God intentionally leads us to them that many thoughts from many people are revealed. The fact He leads us in triumph in Christ suggests that some of our tribulations are by His doing before victory. Those tribulations are actually important to us, since they relate to our life and existence. Eventually we win, and truth and righteousness are established.