Do you know that Jesus has a gift to offer us? We ask Him for many gifts and blessings, but there is one gift we should ask that is utterly important. It is the gift that keeps us filled. “Jesus answered and said to her, ‘If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water’” (John 4:10).
Often believers do not ask for the precious gift Jesus offers. He deeply desires to give it to them. If we desire to live a holy life, a life that is able to overcome any obstruction of Satan, if we desire to live in peace and harmony, it is the only gift that suffices. It helps us to walk with Him. The gift is “the truth.” Many believers do not seek it heartily for the fear of losing what they suppose as precious the things of the world. But, without it there is nothing we can achieve for ourselves as well as for Christ. Jesus called it ‘living water,’ something that has life, and it never leaves us empty. It has life, since it is of Christ, who lives forever. Thus, He elsewhere said that the truth will set you free. This truth delivers us from all bondage. Whatever it is that a person is overcome by and does not allow Him to live in peace, it is bondage. Jesus came to give peace and to make sure we continue receiving it He spoke of the Helper, who guides us into all truth. So, there’s not a moment in the life of a person, who seeks truth, that peace is withheld.
However, the key to secure the gift of God is that each one must know Jesus. We ought to know Him as the Son of God, Savior, Almighty, Protector, Helper and Sustainer. The truth He offers can be likened to none, since it has been sealed by His atoning and life-saving blood. We can know Him from the Word. The more we read it the deeper we know Him. By knowing Him we can become one with Him. When this happens, we are set free from all things. And whatever we face in the days to come, even from them we are set free. For when the Spirit guides us into all truth He helps us understand everything that is not in the will and interest of God. And, no matter the kind of issue we face it will have a truthful conclusion so that we are in and with peace.
If you desire to have the best life God has stored for you, do not cease to ask Christ to gift you with truth. His truth unfolds God’s plans for you. It reveals His interest and will toward you. It helps you become strong to stand in God’s path. It will not let Satan steal you away from God’s presence and helps you keep His rewards. It teaches you what’s best in and for your life by helping you make the right choices. Remember that all of this is by the guidance of the Spirit, who brings to your mind the things of God. It is by not having truth that many believers make bad choices and receive their consequences. They simply did not know what to do next when faced with an issue or situation. So, they went on their own ways. Satan led them in a different path by quibbling them. If we are not being filled with truth continually, it is even possible to lose God’s rewards.
When we stick to truth and continue to receive it from Christ through the Spirit, we can survive our earthly life. God, who sees us loving and embracing truth, will keep us. We may lose all things in life, but not His fellowship. We may lose people and friends, but not His companionship. We gain much more and many more than we would in any other way. There is life and rewards to possessing the gift of God. The following helps us know them.
- Jesus watches over us. Luke had this to say in the Spirit regarding Paul. “When we entered Rome, Paul was allowed to stay by himself, with the soldier who was guarding him” (Acts 28:16). The simple reason for it is the truth with which Paul was filled. He knew Christ intimately and Christ’s truth saved him. No matter the situations we come across in life, if we are with truth, God always has a way to preserve us. For in it the power of God works tremendously. He provides, and to say our way – He somehow provides. He never takes away the best privileges He’s given us.
- Jesus saves. It is because of the truth we heard and believed that He saves us. We’ve been set free from the chains and the burden of this life. We are bound to live in eternity with Him. There’s no obstacle or sin in this life that can remove us from the salvation He gifted us. “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God” (Eph. 2:8).
- Jesus reformed us. “For you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness” (1 Thess. 5:5). He has made us a guide to the world. Men of the world view us a sinless people. Therefore, we obtain honor at every place; the light we demonstrate wins people’s hearts to truthfully love us. We lead a confident life and do not worry about what anyone may think of us. It will be very difficult for the wicked to smear filth on us.
- Jesus bestows authority on us. It is for not abiding in the truth and for not having a mind for it that Paul admonished the Corinthians. He said, “Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more matters of this life?” (1 Cor. 6:3). With truth Christ gives us the authority to judge rightly the matters we face in life. Wisdom is of the truth; it is the fruit of knowing truth. Hence, no matter the kind of issues we face they will have a truthful conclusion so that we have peace. We will know answers for many issues than others. To us they are simple. Thus, we prosper in all our ways.
- Jesus compensates. The single most undesired effect of being with truth is persecution. We do not want it, but it appears. It is a burden we must bear for the sake of what we believed. But, Jesus counterweighs it. He makes another way for us to survive and live in peace. Furthermore, He makes ways for us to have great joy. It is because He never stops using us for His kingdom; He never lets His truth dry out in us. “Therefore, those who had been scattered went about preaching the word” (Acts 8:4). If you find it difficult to continue in life because of the truth Christ filled you, do not worry. He is going to lead you and is going to bless you.
- Jesus displays Himself in us. We do that which He desired. “But give that which is within as charity, and then all things are clean for you” (Luke 11:41). We obey Him so that whatever we do has value with God. We become better givers, even generous givers of all we obtained from Christ. We understand that it is better to give than to receive. And because we give without qualms, Jesus continues to pour a good measure into our laps from time to time. The more the people with truth give the more Christ is understood to the dying world.